When you first install and activate the WP Express Checkout plugin, a shop/products page is automatically created for you. The shop page is used to display all the products that you create inside the plugin in a grid display.
Your products are displayed with the name, price and a link to view the details for that product. By default, your shop page will display 30 products per page and have a search bar towards the top.
How to View the Shop Page
The URL of your shop page can be found under the WP Express Checkout plugin’s Settings menu. Under General Settings, you will see Products Page URL. You can paste this URL into your browser to view your shop page. You can also add this URL to the navigation menu of your site.
Example of the Shop Page URL
The URL of your shop page can be found under the General Settings tab.

Example of the Shop Page
This example shows a shop page that contains several different products.

Adding the Shop Page to a Navigation Menu
You can easily add the shop page to the navigation menu of your site if you want to.
- Click on ‘Menus’ under the ‘Appearance’ tab.
- Once you are in ‘Menus’, click the drop down option for ‘Pages’. Tick the ‘Products’ page.
- Click the ‘Add to Menu’ button.
- Drag the ‘Products’ page to where you would like it to show up on your navigation menu.
- Ensure you ‘Save Menu’.

Here is an example of how it will look in the menu once it has been added to the navigation menu.

How to Recreate the Shop Page
If your shop page accidentally gets deleted, you can follow these steps to create a new one.
Step 1) Create a new page and title it ‘Products’ or ‘Shop’.
Step 2) In the body of the page you will need to enter in the following shortcode:
Step 3) Publish the page.
Step 4) Copy the permalink of this page (you can add this URL to your navigation menu if you want to).
Removing the Search Bar from the Shop Page
Your shop page will contain a search bar by default. Your customers can use it to search your items.
You can remove the search bar from the shop page by adding an extra parameter to the shortcode.
- Find the page titled ‘Products’ from the pages menu of your dashboard.
- If you add search_box=”0″ to the shop page shortcode, the search bar will be removed. Simply delete the shortcode on your ‘Products’ page and paste in the following shortcode (ensure you update changes made to this page):
[wpec_show_all_products search_box="0"]
Example of Using Extra Parameter to Remove Search Bar

Sorting the Products Listing (Sort Order)
By default the products listing on the shop page is shown in ascending order. So the listing shows the items in the order they were added.
You can edit the shortcode and use the ‘sort_by’ and ‘sort_order’ parameters to sort the listing in descending order. Below is an example shortcode that will list the products by ID and using a descending sort order:
[wpec_show_all_products sort_by="ID" sort_order="DESC"]
Below is an example shortcode that will sort the products by title and list them in an ascending sort order:
[wpec_show_all_products sort_by="title" sort_order="ASC"]
The following is another example that will sort the products by title and list them in descending sort order:
[wpec_show_all_products sort_by="title" sort_order="DESC"]
Editing the Number of Items on Each Page
If you are selling multiple products from your site, you may wish to edit how many products are visible per page. Without making changes to the shortcode, by default it will show up to 30 products per page. It will create pagination if you have more than 30 items.
Adding an extra parameter to the shortcode allows you to edit the number of items shown on each page.
- Find the ‘Products’ page in the ‘Pages’ menu of your dashboard.
- By adding, items_per_page=”20″ into the shortcode, you can decide on how many products you wish to show per page.
The following shortcode can be pasted into your ‘Products’ page. You will then need to replace 20 with the amount of products you wish to display per page.
[wpec_show_all_products items_per_page="20"]
Example of Adding Parameter to Shortcode
This shortcode allows you to decide how many products you would like to display per page.
Below is an example of 3 products showing per page.